I joined Tra'Renee for another segment of KATU Afternoon LIVE, just in time for the school season to start! I provide Tra' and the viewers with my tips on making "The Talk" less challenging for parents and guardians. See below to view my important and helpful tips.

Tip #1
Open a line of communication with your child, let them know they can ask you questions about sex & relationships anytime. If you don't know the answer, it's OK, you're not an expert! Assure your child that they're asking a good question and then either say lets find the answer together, or if it's more appropriate say you'll do some research and get back to them with an answer. The key here though is to actually do the research and follow up with them in a timely manner. Tip #2
Take time to reflect on your own VAB's (values, attitudes and beliefs) when it comes to sex, sexuality and relationships. The more you understand and explore yourself the better you can pass knowledge and guidance down to your child. I like to think of this as teaching your child the things you didn't get from your parents when you were growing up but wish you'd known about. Tip #3
Talk to your child one-on-one, not in front of others especially siblings who might make fun of them or the situation. Choose a time when it's comfortable for both of you, not convenient for one of you. Look at this time as a chance to bond with your child by starting small, giving a little bit of education at a time. Kids respond better to small doses of knowledge, especially when it comes to their sexuality.
You can catch me monthly on KATU Afternoon LIVE for all your sexuality and relationship tips and certified advice!
For more information about Kristine D'Angelo, Certified Sex Coach please visit her About page on her website. www.doyoursexlifeafavor.com